Process Lasso per-process CPU use screenshot

Process Lasso’s little white (or black) line

This has been in Process Lasso for ages, but few noticed it, and our documentation needs – well, it’s on the agenda. This post is intended to supplement it. The white line on the graph shows the CPU utilization history of the processes you’ve got selected. It will disappear if none are selected. In the […]

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Quit using Registry Cleaners!

Useless Registry Cleaners

So, you use a registry cleaner. Well, that’s fine, none of us wants to be ‘dirty’ and supposedly these tools will clean up your registry. Let’s do some analysis. When Microsoft designed Windows they realized that they would need a shared store for OS and application options. This store would need to support both the […]

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New Battery Icon Slider on the Microsoft Surface

Why do I only have a Balanced power plan?

FAQ: I only see ‘overlays’ and no Bitsum Highest Performance. Why? If only you see ‘overlays’, aka Power Modes, and no Bitsum Highest Performance (BHP) Power Plan, that means your system is using Power Modes in lieu of traditional Power Plans. In this case, the BHP Power Plan is not necessary and ‘Maximum Performance’ should […]

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Process Lasso Forced Mode Screenshot

New Docs on Forced Mode

This is an update as we work to refine product documentation in all languages. Process Lasso’s Forced Mode is now documented here. Forced Mode When enabled, Process Lasso’s Forced Mode causes Lasso settings such as process priority classes and CPU affinities to be continually reapplied, instead of only performed once on a given instance of a […]

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CPUBalance Insights Screenshot

CPUBalance v1.0 Released

CPUBalance v1.0 has been released. CPUBalance represents a subset of Process Lasso, specifically it’s famously effective and demonstrable ProBalance function, users who want ONLY that feature may want to install this even smaller rendition of the algorithm. However, CPUBalance also shares a Governor (silent core engine) with Process Lasso, so Process Lasso v8 users may wish […]

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CPUBalance Better FOA Screenshot

About our new Frequency of ProBalance Action Metric

Starting in CPUBalance v0.0.9.39 (BETA) and Process Lasso v9.0.0.101 (ALPHA), we have a new ‘Frequency of ProBalance Action’ metric to indicate how often a process is restrained. It is basically this: total_runtime / count_of_restraints This new metric lets you know how frequently a process is acted on WHEN it is running. Some processes run all […]

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