Process Lasso Setup Guide

How do I setup Process Lasso for maximum performance? This article provides some guidance, specifically for home and workstation users. Server users should try this page. Summary: Process Lasso can be simply installed without additional tweaking or tuning. ProBalance works automatically to help maintain responsiveness in the face of high CPU loads. Keep critical processes off […]

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Stop using RAM Cleaners

Why Does a Process Refuse to Relinquish RAM?

Virtual memory ‘trimmers’ or RAM ‘cleaners’, whatever you want to call them, they’ve been a staple in the industry since the days of NT4. Almost all of these apps are best avoided! Most operate on the incorrect premise that you want more ‘free’ RAM. In fact, RAM should be as occupied as possible with commonly […]

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How do I Tweak My PC For Maximum Performance?

How do I tweak my PC for maximum performance? Today I will attempt to give a single answer so I’m not repeating myself so often. FIRST, you need to install Process Lasso or CPUBalance. Why either/or? Well, both provide the ProBalance algorithm that keeps background processes at-bay. Forget all other tweaking for the moment. You WANT […]

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Should You Disable Hyper-Threading?

Symmetric Multi-Threading (SMT), also known as Hyper-Threading, exposes two logical CPU cores for every physical CPU core. It does this by sharing computational units of the physical CPU core between the two virtual CPU cores. If neither of the paired cores needs to use the same CPU resources, then they can run simultaneously. This allows […]

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Process Lasso v9 GUI

All About Process Lasso 9

Config Profiles These are alternate configurations that you can create. Later, we’ll add these to automation capabilities, but for now you can manually switch between them. Filtered view As seen in the image at the top of the page, you can now filter the list of processes, so you see what process you are interested […]

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