Coreprio User Interface

Coreprio v0.0.5.0 – Inclusion/Exclusion Patterns

Coreprio has been updated to allow for inclusion and exclusion patterns (list of applications to target). These apply to all features of Coreprio. Wildcards are allowed. The console mode utility allows these as well, via the new ‘–inclusions’ and ‘–exclusions’ parameters. Since Coreprio’s Dynamic Local Mode works best for applications that do not put a […]

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Process Lasso's new CPU Group Display

Process Lasso: Processor Group Support

Process Lasso now supports and displays the processor group(s) an application’s threads are running on. We wrote about processor groups a while back. They exist to allow for systems with more than 64 logical CPU cores. In Process Lasso, we refer to Processor Groups as ‘CPU Groups’. By default, an application’s threads are assigned to […]

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Coreprio User Interface

Coreprio: Bitsum’s Own Dynamic Local Mode

Coreprio is Bitsum’s custom implementation of AMD’s Dynamic Local Mode. It is more configurable than AMD’s implementation, allowing the user to set the prioritized affinity, thread count and refresh rate. History When the high core count ThreadRipper 2990wx and 2970wx were developed, AMD had to make due with the 4 memory channels available in the TR4 […]

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Process Lasso v9 GUI

All About Process Lasso 9

Config Profiles These are alternate configurations that you can create. Later, we’ll add these to automation capabilities, but for now you can manually switch between them. Filtered view As seen in the image at the top of the page, you can now filter the list of processes, so you see what process you are interested […]

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CPUBalance Insights Screenshot

CPUBalance v1.0 Released

CPUBalance v1.0 has been released. CPUBalance represents a subset of Process Lasso, specifically it’s famously effective and demonstrable ProBalance function, users who want ONLY that feature may want to install this even smaller rendition of the algorithm. However, CPUBalance also shares a Governor (silent core engine) with Process Lasso, so Process Lasso v8 users may wish […]

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Process Lasso v8.9.8.48 Released, Improves Performance and MBARW Fix

This version improves the performance of Process Lasso itself, reducing it’s already negligible CPU use, and fixes an important interoperability issue with MalwareBytes Anti-Ransomware BETA* where excessive CPU consumption would be seen. This is a back-port from the v9 branch so has minimal other changes, as we continue to keep the v8 branch stable as possible. *(stressed […]

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ParkControl Screenshot

ParkControl v1.1.2 Released

This version of ParkControl adds Bitsum Dynamic Boost. This is similar to Process Lasso’s IdleSaver technology in that it drops the PC down to a more conservative power plan on idle, but different in that when the PC is active, it forces it into the Bitsum Highest Performance power plan. It is made for those who want […]

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