The latest Windows 10 for Workstations build features a new ‘Ultimate Performance‘ power plan to deal with potential micro-latencies. Sound familiar? Yes, here at Bitsum we’ve had the ‘Bitsum Highest Performance‘ power plan for years. It seems somebody important finally caught on. While I have mixed feelings any time Microsoft starts to encroach, I do […]
Read moreAre you a Process Lasso user who really only uses the famous ProBalance algorithm? If so, you should consider the much cheaper (and more free) CPUBalance. It is now an either/or scenario, because Process Lasso contains all of CPUBalance functionality, so if you need Process Lasso, then you don’t need CPUBalance. In any event, for […]
Read moreThis is an OLD, ARCHIVED version of Process Lasso. Get the latest Process Lasso version here. This page offers the last release of Process Lasso (v8.9.8.102) that is compatible with Windows XP/2003. It has been archived at the download links below. Since there have been a large number of important product improvements since this old […]
Read moreWe’ve added a page about one of our classic Bitsum freeware utilities, TweakScheduler. It has long been included with Process Lasso. You can reach it via ‘Options / External Tools‘. This is just one of many of our freeware utilities that have yet to be fully integrated into this new web site. TweakScheduler
Read moreRegMerge is a simple freeware project I developed many years ago. I saw that importing .REG files was a ‘blind’ process and wanted to improve upon it, and did so. Lately, RegMerge got some exposure after a few site edits, so suddenly it was ‘in use’. Now, it continues to remain in ALPHA status because there […]
Read moreFirst, I would like to thank our loyal users – some of you have been with us since the start in 2002, and even before – in the days of Collake Software. It’s by your support that Bitsum has thrived to this day. It is with your support that we’ll continue to thrive. On our […]
Read moreWe’ve now added Legacy (now called Gen1) Licenses to the My Licenses page of our new website. This means that both your legacy and new license codes (if any of either) will be listed in the same place. Since both systems will continue to function indefinitely, and they are both accessible in the same place, […]
Read moreOur existing code signing certificate was due to expire this year, so it was time to renew. This time around we found the certificate authorities were advertising Extended Validation (EV) code signing certificates, which are a-kin to EV/OV SSL (TLS) certificates that result in the larger green bar on some web sites. Extended Validation means the […]
Read moreMany Windows software vendors will continue to feel the pain after learning the hard way that SHA1 deprecation occurred, or, as in our case, weren’t as ready for that as they thought! This is the story of our experience, where we had switched to dual-signing with SHA1 and SHA2, but didn’t get it precisely right […]
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