Processor Group Extender

On Windows systems with more than one processor group (>64 logical CPU cores), this novel algorithm enables group unaware applications to make use of the full CPU, instead of being constrained to a single processor group. The Processor Group Extender accomplishes this by dynamically assigning active threads to supplemental processor groups as required.

The Processor Group Extender is only necessary in situations where an application needs additional CPU cores, but it is constrained to a single processor group because it is not processor group aware. Unnecessary or inappropriate use may affect the performance characteristics of an application.

The Processor Group Extender is now included in Process Lasso!

Update: Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022

Our Processor Group Extender feature is no longer necessary on Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022. The Windows CPU Scheduler now spans application threads across all processor groups by default [MSDN]. To take full control of how that happens, try Process Lasso’s CPU Sets feature.

See groupextend source code on GitHub

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