PECompact 2
API Hook Plug-ins


typedef struct _HOOK_DATA_INFO
    WORD dwVersion;
    WORD dwStructSize;
    DWORD dwOffsetInitialize;
    DWORD dwOffsetInitializeEx;
    DWORD dwOffsetLoadLibraryA;
    DWORD dwOffsetGetProcAddressWithHint;
    DWORD dwOffsetTranslateAPIAddressToHookAddress;

This object prefixes the HOOK_DATA block of memory and describes the location of key functions inside the memory block. It also provides the version information of the API Hook Plug-in.

dwVersion that contains the version of the PECompact Plug-in SDK used to compile this API hook plug-in. This is defined in the pec2_hooks header file as PEC2_HOOKS_VERSION.

dwStructSize provides the size of the HOOK_DATA_INFO structure. This is included simply as an additional check to make sure that the PECompact version in use is compatible with your plug-in.

dwOffsetInitialize provides the offset of the Initialize function inside the HOOK_DATA block. For instance, if the function immediately follows the HOOK_DATA_INFO object, then its offset would be sizeof(HOOK_DATA_INFO).

dwOffsetInitializeEx provides the offset of the InitializeEx function inside the HOOK_DATA block. For instance, if the function immediately follows the HOOK_DATA_INFO object, then its offset would be sizeof(HOOK_DATA_INFO).

dwOffsetLoadLibraryA provides the offset of the LoadLibraryAHook function inside the HOOK_DATA block. For instance, if the function immediately follows the HOOK_DATA_INFO object, then its offset would be sizeof(HOOK_DATA_INFO).

dwOffsetGetProcAddressWithHint provides the offset of the GetProcAddressWithHintHook function inside the HOOK_DATA block. For instance, if the function immediately follows the HOOK_DATA_INFO object, then its offset would be sizeof(HOOK_DATA_INFO).

dwOffsetTranslateAPIAddressToHookAddress is the offset to TranslateAPIAddressToHookAddress.