// Boyer-Moore implementation
// version: 1.12
// (c)2006 Jeremy Collake / Bitsum Technologies
// jeremy@bitsum.com
// Use PECompact today!
// ! Not cleaned or made ready for general public consumption !
// This implementation is designed to handle binary phrases, which
// can include character arrays (strings), just be sure you
// realize a null-terminator should not be included in the phrase
// or total data size.
// Use:
// 1.) Initialize the search string table by passing to
//  it the phrase you're planning to search for. See
//  BoyerMooreBinBin_Init.
// 2.) Search with BoyerMooreBinBin
// 3.) De-initialize search table when done searching
//  for that particular phrase.
#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma once

#define COMMON_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define COMMON_API __declspec(dllimport)

// Boyer-Moore table state info
class CBoyerMooreHandle
    unsigned long *m_pTable;
    unsigned char *m_pPhrase;
    unsigned long m_nPhraseLen;
    bool Init(unsigned char *pPhrase, unsigned long nPhraseLen);

// Boyer-Moore free functions

// Init - allocates phrase table
COMMON_API CBoyerMooreHandle * __stdcall BoyerMooreBinBin_Init(unsigned char *pPhrase, unsigned long nPhraseLen);

// BinBin - returns index of phrase, or -1 if not found
COMMON_API int __stdcall BoyerMooreBinBin(CBoyerMooreHandle *pHandle, unsigned char *pBuffer, unsigned long nBufferSize, unsigned long nStart);

// DeInit - deallocates phrase table
COMMON_API void __stdcall BoyerMooreBinBin_Deinit(CBoyerMooreHandle *pHandle);